Saturday, July 14, 2012

What is your Motto??

In today's world, everywhere you look, every Business has a Motto... Even Individual people have Motto's they live by...  Every City has a Motto,...  Every State has a Motto... Every Country has a Motto... What motivates the core of your belief system?  The question is What is your Motto?
Here are a few Motto's that stand out in my mind...   Nebraska  "Equality before the law"  I firmly believe this is one of the best state Motto's ... Arizona   "Ditat Deus" (God enriches) another great One... Being God set up the Universal Laws  Created to also that Enriches all Life...  New Jersey  "Liberty and prosperity" ... Alabama  "Audemus jura nostra defendere"  (We dare defend our rights) ... Arkansas "Regnat populus" (The people rule) This another one that stands out, there was a time in History that the people of The United State Of America believed this and walked the talk. ...Iowa "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain" ... Another Motto that I had the privilege of seeing first hand while living in Iowa... But this one should hit you like a brick...  Kentucky "United we stand, divided we fall" 
This is the one I want to write about  "United we stand, divided we fall"   We have become a country that has been divided by design ...  The Powers that Be in this Global Economy have saw that the more divided they could make the people of America the more power and control they would have over the people...
Pennsylvania  "Virtue, liberty, and independence"... South Dakota "Under God the people rule" This is One that I think most of our Politicians have lost sight of...  UNDER GOD THE PEOPLE RULE  So consider this... In the Year 325 AD and 1611 AD there where to noted facts that took place... The rulers of these time periods or administrations knew the people where getting fed up with the tyrants who controlled the masses with fear and death... So the rulers commissioned scholars to rewrite all the current belief systems to cause divisions and divide the people...  At that time in 325 AD there were really only a few religious belief systems and cultural belief systems at work in the minds of the people...  Then in 1611 another pinocle point in time when division was once again used, and the King of that time King James commissioned the scholars to once again rewrite the belief systems of what would be acceptable ...

More to this write later... But do the research before you comment...  and then by all means...add you two cents...
 Ok I am back:   You here me talk about Equality for All Humanity if you have been following my is another that should stand out... Wyoming "Equal rights" (1955)... Vermont, "Freedom and Unity"  Ohio has a great one and One I believe is the reason I am still here on this earth... Ohio "With God all things are possible" ... Another is from the State of North Dakota  "Liberty and union, now and forever: one and inseparable"  Now have you noticed that at one time in History people where not afraid to Stand for what they believed in... "Where Did America Go" a song By Don Mealer tells the story well for this day and is the link to the video...